Major Remodel Blower Door
Blower Door Test/Major Remodel or Addition
There’s nothing better than being well prepared and having a basic understanding of the requirements necessary for a major remodel or addition to your Battle Creek, MI, area home. That’s why it’s always a good idea to perform a blower door test before and after a renovation or addition to your home.
There may be opportunities to improve the performance of the existing home during the remodeling which may become obvious when the test is conducted. There is also a chance a change to the home may adversely affect indoor air quality or the combustion process in fossil fuel burning equipment. Blower door testing may also provide information indicating a problem that could easily be resolved while the home remodel or addition is taking place.
Just like with new construction homes, a Certificate of Occupancy will be required at the end of your renovation or addition job. The best way to meet the requirements and pass the blower door test the first time and receive your Certificate of Occupancy is to perform a Blower Door Test before and after a renovation or addition to your home.
TEST, don’t guess!
For more information, contact us at (269) 383-7862 or request service online today!