Ways to Save on Utility Bills This Year

Ways to Save on Utility Bills This Year

If you’re looking to reduce your energy consumption, lower your utility bills, or improve your home’s health and comfort, there are many different home efficiency upgrades to consider.

Though each home is different, certain upgrades are usually good starting points—especially when it comes to utility bill savings. And, thanks to the insulation tax credit, Kalamazoo homeowners can save even more when they make energy-efficient home improvements.

Different Home Efficiency Upgrades to Reduce Your Energy Costs 

Investing in home efficiency upgrades not only saves both energy and utility costs, but also increases the value of your home. Some of the most common (and impactful) upgrades include: 

  • Insulation and air sealing
  • Energy-efficient HVAC systems
  • High efficiency hot water heaters
  • ENERGY STAR windows and doors

Why Insulation and Air Sealing Are Great for Energy Efficiency 

With many different upgrades available, where should homeowners begin? 

Having high-quality insulation and air sealing is essential for improving the overall energy efficiency in your Kalamazoo home. Not to mention—proper insulation and air sealing can reduce your heating and cooling costs by an estimated 15%! These upgrades create a thermal barrier that prevents heat from escaping your home in the winter and entering in the summer. A well-insulated and airtight home reduces the workload on your heating and cooling systems, leading to lower energy consumption and utility bills. 

By starting with insulation and air sealing upgrades, homeowners can ensure that any further efficiency upgrades are as impactful as possible. For example, after insulation upgrades, you can often install a smaller-sized HVAC system without compromising your home comfort, saving you money.

But if you don’t start with insulation and air sealing and instead get a new, high-efficiency HVAC system first, the benefits of your new system will be significantly diminished by your home’s poor insulation. Your system will have to run longer to make up for wasted energy, increasing energy costs and putting unnecessary wear and tear on your HVAC equipment, potentially shortening its lifespan.

Maximizing Savings on Energy Efficiency Home Improvements

Thanks to federal incentives like the Energy Efficient Home Improvement Tax Credit, homeowners can save on upgrades to insulation and air sealing, as well as additional home improvements down the line. 

The maximum tax credit you can claim each year is $1,200 for improvements like insulation and air sealing. Homeowners can also take advantage of an additional separate tax credit of up to $2,000 for upgrades like heat pumps! Talk to the Better World Builders team today to learn more about how much you stand to save with incentives.Our team makes it easy to use incentives to save on home energy efficiency upgrades. Call 269-383-7862 or contact us online today to learn more.

Contact the experts at Better World Builders.

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